Bem-estar Magazine

From a simple Funcesp newsletter to a bimonthly magazine with 32 pages with a modern graphic project, assorted content and pleasurable reading. Today, the Bem-Estar Magazine brings information about finances and social security, healthy, behavior and institutional data, combining simple and easy-to-understand language with more humanized guidelines. All made to strengthen relations with readers.

We are responsible for the graphic project, layout, direction and production of photography and illustrations. Working in partnership with another production company for journalistic content, we also participate in the creation of topics.





What we did

The stories and characters are mostly employees and associate members that somehow influence or were influenced positively by the institution.

Since the magazine launch in replacement for the traditional newsletter, readers began to feel closer to the institution. Nowadays, Funcesp receives numerous emails, phone calls and even letters, congratulating the edition, which generates a very positive aura for the brand and strengthens its relationship with beneficiaries and potential members.

The material is richly illustrated and usually brings infographics, charts and visual features that help to explain each subject in detail.

The graphic project is modern and shows technical information – especially those related to the financial universe, in a simple and easy-to-understand way.